When Impossible Meets God


Jesus looked at them and replied, “With people it is impossible, but not with God—God makes all things possible!” Mark 10:27 TPT

Jesus said to him, “What do you mean ‘if’? If you are able to believe, all things are possible to the believer.”
Mark 9:23 TPT

I just wanted to take a moment this morning and give you a reminder that regardless of what you are facing at this very moment, absolutely nothing is impossible with God! In fact, the very moment God meets up with your impossible situation, possible happens!

These men are prime examples of what I’m saying. Abraham left his family and country to pursue the promise of a God he had only just met. Noah built a giant sized boat on the Word of an unseen God who said it would rain in a land that had never known rain. For 120 years he endured ridicule. David was anointed king but was hunted for years before he took the throne.

Who does that? People whose focus remains intentionally unwavering regardless of the time involved in the process.

We live in a society where waiting 3 minutes at a stoplight causes anxiety attacks and heaven help us if the drive thru window attendant is too friendly to the person in front of us.

When what God has promised doesn’t manifest in the time we’ve allowed Him, we tend to toss our faith away and assume God could care less. We couldn’t be more mistaken! He is more then faithful to a faithless generation.

There is NOTHING impossible to those who believe. Absolutely nothing! Don’t throw away your confidence just because it doesn’t show up when and how you think it should. Every story in the bible began with a promise. God alone knows the length of time it will take. Be determined to guard your heart and mind so that your words are consistent and your faith unwavering.

Abraham got his son. Noah got his rain. David took his throne. You too will have what you’re willing to wait for. Just keep pursuing the presence of God and continue doing what he says.

Until Tomorrow

Sandy G

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