Believer vs Follower


We began a new series last night entitled, “Making Disciples”. Pastor Carmen set a great foundation of what a disciple was by showing us that a disciple was actually a student who followed their teacher everywhere so that they could hear, see and eventually duplicate the teacher.  When Jesus told them to follow him, he was inviting them to learn under him, to be like him, to think like him, talk like him and do what he did.

The difference between a believer and a disciple is this one major factor; one is a hearer, the other a doer. Believers are just hearers, they believe what they hear. John 5:19-20 NLT, So Jesus explained, “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself. He does only what he sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does.  For the Father loves the Son and shows him everything he is doing. In fact, the Father will show him how to do even greater works than healing this man. Then you will truly be astonished.”

Did you see that? Jesus was a student of his Father. He studied under God and did what he had seen God do. Right here, he shows us how to mirror your teacher; watch, listen, do, not what you want, what your teacher wants. Our life is not our own. When we lay down our own desires and dreams to be disciples of Jesus, we change from believers to doers. The success of Gods Kingdom depends upon me realizing that it’s not about me, it’s about Him.

Please understand that I am not writing this from my own thoughts, I took lots of notes last night because it challenged me big time! You can’t take on your husbands name and do your own thing, pretending to be single. Neither can you take on the name ‘Christian’ and live like the world. Ephesians 5:1 says; Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children.

If we are to mirror Gods glory, we must be ever present with him, communing with him constantly, reading the Word, fellowshipping, getting direction. He said we are in the world but not a part of the world. He said to come out from among them, the worlds ways, don’t touch unclean things, be separate. Of course we would know all of this if we were disciples, right?

Our challenge last night was this:

1. Are you a believer or a follower?

2. If you evaluate your approach to Jesus, would you say he is your Lord?

At some point, we must decide. Many are called but few are chosen, why? Because it’s not an easy life! It’s a life of self-sacrifice, yielding, listening, obeying and there is not one of us who want to go through what Jesus did. We want people to like us. We don’t want to be different and stand out, we want to blend in. I find that the closer I get to God, the less I fit into the world. I feel like a misfit. I don’t do what people want me to do anymore, I just want to please my Father. Don’t think I’ve arrived at any point because I haven’t, but I press toward the mark. Each day, a part of me dies and what replaces that part is glorious light.

I will follow you, Lord. When my feet are sore and I’m too weary, I know you will carry me or stay and rest with me awhile. You’re so patient with me and I love you more than ever. Your mercy has brought me to your feet and daily I will bow my will to yours. Your Kingdom come! Your will, not mine be done!

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