Tenacious Spirit

God, create a pure heart in me. Give me a new spirit that is faithful to you. Don’t send me away from you. Don’t take your Holy Spirit away from me. Give me back the joy that comes from being saved by you. Give me a spirit that obeys you. That will keep me going, Then I will teach your ways to those who commit lawless acts and sinners will turn back to you. Psalm 51:10-13 NIRV

This has been my prayer since I was 15 and surrendered my life to Christ. Pure heart, faithful spirit and please oh please, don’t send me away or leave me. I remember praying this one morning to hear the Lord whisper, “I could never leave you! Since my Spirit is in you, when I leave, you’re coming with me.” I stopped praying that part of the prayer, but the rest, well it’s still my desire.

The next part is what we should do daily; remembering what it was like when we first learned of forgiveness and grace. Being thankful. Going over the goodness God has poured into our lives. Then the big one: Give me a spirit that obeys you, that keeps me going. An obedient heart with a tenacious spirit.

I don’t ever want to miss an opportunity, an open door or a chance to affect a life for God. A constant reminder that my life is not my own. Sometimes it thinks it is, but I have to constantly remind myself, no, flesh! You are free because of someones sacrifice and that someone was Jesus. A love that big deserves more then I have to give so I give it all.

Someday, I will stand before Him, wrap my arms around Him, hug Him hard and fall at His feet and kiss them. I will scream out, “HOLY”, “WORTHY”, “THANK YOU!” and begin again. How I long for that day. The eternal ‘Friday’! Never to have to labor again.

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