Be Someone Who Hears


‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’ Jeremiah 33:3

How do I hear Gods voice? I call on Him! His word clearly states that if I do, I will hear His voice and He will show me things that are hidden from me. It’s just that simple! If I’m not hearing, chances are I’ve allowed too many other voices to drown His out.

I wasn’t always a good listener. People who love to talk don’t stop to listen, and that is truly the only way to learn what the issues are. Well the same goes with God. If I’m always talking, I can’t hear, and if I can’t hear, I won’t know the answer.

If you need to hear from God, stop talking long enough for Him to answer you. What you have to say isn’t nearly as important as Him, so stop. He’s aware of all your troubles! He knows what you’re facing. He sees that fear is blocking your faith. Release it! Let go of it! Let His peace wash over you and take the fear away. Now stay there. Silent. Let the minutes tick by as you breathe in and out.

Think about His beauty, how great He is. Allow your spirit to love on Him, to connect with Him. Speak Lord, I’m listening, I love You! Don’t rush in and out, just stay awhile and pour out your love on Him. Trust me, you cannot leave the same. As you tune in and become aware of Him, you will sense an awesome wonder. His Spirit is in you, waiting for you to discover Him and converse with Him.

Soon you will learn that no matter where you are, you can access everything you need by tapping into what waits on the inside of you. The answer you need is in You. The healing you need is in you. Christ in me, the hope of glory.



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