Just Another Promise


You will be secure under a government that is just and fair. Your enemies will stay far away. You will live in peace, and terror will not come near.  If any nation comes to fight you, it is not because I sent them. Whoever attacks you will go down in defeat. Isaiah 54:14-15

As I continue in my ‘Promise’ series, this is so needed in the political climate we find ourselves facing today. Regardless of your personal views or opinions, it’s so important to set that aside and again, get Gods views on what HE wants us to declare over our nation.

There is so much I’d like to say, but seriously, nothing I say is going to influence you if you’re closed minded to the truth. Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father but by me.” John 14:6

Nothing, absolutely NOTHING is worth forfeiting my peace! If you’re more interested in pushing your agenda or your version of the truth, you miss the point of this post. We must be God seekers before all else. When we know the Truth (Jesus) it truly makes us free.

This verse is simply my promise that I speak over my family. I believe God more than I believe anything. I believe Gods Word is more real than what I see in the natural. I believe that God is the one who raises kings into power and takes them out of power. It’s all a part of His grand plans in which He’s planned from the beginning of time.

I speak peace and security over my family today. There will be no threat of terror, it will not come near our homes or cities. I believe that You thwart the plans of the enemy, and that every trap they set for me, they fall into themselves. I thank You that Your Word says, “Perfect, absolute peace surrounds those whose imaginations are consumed with you; they confidently trust in you.” Isaiah 26:3

Until Tomorrow,

Sandy G

3 thoughts on “Just Another Promise

  1. riverlifepsalms1 says:

    Thank You Lord for this blessed and timely post!!

    This sums it all up! I was just having this conversation yesterday with a close dear friend! My faith and trust is ABSOLUTELY in Jesus! I look solely to His word for direction, and He’s my ABSOLUTE source! I really don’t give a hoot who may have in political influence, when I know that the Lord has COMPLETE authority and is TOTALLY sovereign!

    As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!

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